domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

RT @kentgarrison: @austinbello just got back from build-a-bear

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

Old Interview: "Behind Closed Doors: Austin Bello In Forever The Sickest Kids Has A Fetish With Tacos"

Behind Closed Doors: Austin Bello In Forever The Sickest Kids Has A Fetish With Tacos

Buzznet kind of loves Austin Bello (bass guitarist) after catching up with him Behind Closed Doors. The band members of Forever The Sickest Kids better beware, because we might have to kidnap Austin, so we can hang out with him, play archery and listen to Hanson all the time.

Buzznet: Do you have a morning bathroom routine?

Austin: I get out of bed do a shaky shake to my head, brush my teeth with Crest only, then insert my eyes into my face and then put on the first articles of clothing I see.

Who was your first kiss?

Austin: Wowzas! First kiss was with my first girlfriend when I was 14 or 15 dont remember how old, but it was in the back of a mini van in the wee hours of the morning, I was nervous but I made it happen.

Buzznet: What do you have hanging on your walls in your bedroom?

Austin: I have too much, uh a drawing of Mario done by my girlfriend ashley, a Beatles poster, The Who, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Pulp Fiction, pictures of the best family ever, a drawing my friend Lily made of me as a monkey, a picture of the Jonas Brothers and a weird picture of dogs.

Buzznet: Do you have any fetishes? Any pet-peeves?

Austin: Pet-peeves, the saying "Im not gunna lie", I mean come on do you lie every other time you talk....hahah. Fetish with tacos-smash bros, enough said.

What is the first quality you look for in the opposite sex?

Austin: Elbow.

Buzznet: What do you wear to sleep at night?

Austin: Boxers, duh what's up?

Buzznet: Do you have a nickname?

Austin: They call me 3, came from 3:16, came Austin 3:16, makes sense?

Buzznet: What was your first job? What was your worst job?

Austin: Albertsons bag boy when i was 15. That was my first and my worst job, it was like I was a peon in the King Alberts castle.

Buzznet: If you could be in the Summer Olympics which sport would you compete in? Any why?

Austin: Archery- I'm the modern day Robin Hood .

Buzznet: What song do you know every word to, but are totally embarrassed that you know so well?

Austin: Not embarrassed at all about Hanson, ya you know that song.

Buzznet: Which era do you most wish you lived in and why?

Austin: Bible Times, just seems so legit.

Buzznet: Do you have any scars? If so what happened?

Austin: Alot of scars, one by my eye for falling down a mountain in Colorado hahah, one on my other eye thats small but from Jonathan Cook (vocals) hitting me with a microphone, tons on my shins from playing soccer, duh. One on my heart.

Buzznet: If we gave you sourdough bread and you could put anything on your sandwich what would it be?

Austin: Dynamite.

Buzznet: When you hear the word “oatmeal” what is the very first thing that comes to your mind?

Austin: Grainny food substance, right?

pics pics pics!!

"when i was just a wee lad in the heart of mexico "

"@calebftsk try growing that stache child, threw in a lil crossed eyed action for U punk"

"I'm a groomsman in my buddies wedding today!"

@djknucklehead they finally came in!!

"thats a clothespin " (from his myspace)

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Happy Birthday!!

@AustinBello: "Happy 91rst Birthday Mema! "

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

new Blog!

Austin posted a new blog on his Myspace called " "

" :
I dont know why, but I feel the need to tell you guys that I love Jesus! Im not asking you to do the same or expecting a pat on the back for saying that. I just feel like too many times people hide who they are and what they're about. Now being a Christian does not make me any better than those who arent, just like my red beard doesnt make me anymore of a man than other males, well possibly im not sure ;) ha messin. Some of my closest friends in the world arent Christians and I love them for their individuality, its a beautiful thing. I hear this saying all the time, "man, Christians are hypocrites" and i say ya, you are absolutely right! but its amazing that the Lord still loves and forgives us even through that hunkojunko. Guys I screw up constantly oh all the time, but dangit its not about following a freakin rule book or God's arm coming down and shoving a bar of angel soap in my mouth everytime I say a cuss word. If so, id be a holy farting bubble machine. ha. In my opinion, God deserves some pretty intense thank you's for everything that we see, every sound that we hear, for breathing, for enjoying tacos, for scooter riding, for creating banananananas, for existing...There are alot of things to be thankful about in life and the older i get the more i realize that. Im 22 now gah, back down i know im becoming decrepit. Well thank you guys and girls for listening to me it really means alot, you have no idea. I like you

your to do list:
-pick ur friends nose
-find and name a pet squirrel
-give someone you dont know a highfive, or lowten

love you guys


miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

new twitpics

"Have a nice day!" "This could happen to you! "

hahahaha, love his face ! <3!>